A Few Words

About Me

Daniel Smith

Sound Designeer + Music Producer

Hi, my name is Daniel Smith, a versatile sound designer and music producer, fueled by a deep passion for the art of sound. With a keen ear for detail and a creative spirit that knows no bounds, I craft immersive sonic experiences that transport listeners to new dimensions. From meticulously designing captivating soundscapes to composing mesmerizing musical arrangements, my work is a testament to the transformative power of sound. With a collaborative approach and a commitment to excellence, I strive to create unforgettable auditory journeys that captivate, inspire, and leave a lasting impression. Welcome to my world of sonic artistry, where imagination meets innovation and where the possibilities are endless.


Point Blank Music School

London, England

Music Production Complete Diploma, 2023

The Songwriting School of Los Angeles, Toronto Songwriting School

Toronto, Canada

Lyric Writing Workshop

Canadian Business College

Mississauga, Canada

Full Stack Software Development Diploma with Honors, 2019

York University

Toronto, Canada

B.A. Public Administration and Justice, 2015


Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist


Issued Dec 2021 · No Expiration Date


Producer + Songwriter

The Songwriting School of Los Angeles, 2022

Key responsibilities involved understanding the client’s vision and translating it into musical form. I began by conducting thorough research and analysis, identifying the desired genre, mood, and target audience. Next, I embarked on the creative process, composing melodies, harmonies, and lyrics that aligned with the brief’s objectives. With a meticulous attention to detail, I selected and recorded instruments, utilizing both virtual and live recordings to bring the composition to life. As the production phase commenced, I focused on arranging and layering various musical elements, fine-tuning the dynamics, and capturing captivating vocal performances. Finally, I meticulously mixed and mastered the song, ensuring optimal sonic balance, clarity, and impact. Throughout this collaborative journey, I maintained open communication with the client, ensuring that the final product met and exceeded their expectations while delivering a memorable and engaging musical experience.

Sound Design

Point Blank Music School, 2023

Key responsibilities involved creating a captivating and immersive sonic experience. Starting with subtractive synthesis, I sculpted rich and textured sounds by manipulating waveforms through filtering and modulation. Moving on to frequency modulation, I explored the intricate relationship between modulator and carrier waveforms, crafting complex and evolving timbres. Incorporating wave table synthesis, I harnessed digital wavetables to morph between harmonic spectra, resulting in dynamic sound palettes. With additive synthesis, I meticulously layered harmonically rich sine waves to construct intricate and harmonically complex tones. Exploring granular synthesis, I fragmented and manipulated audio into tiny grains, creating textured atmospheres and unique sonic textures. Additionally, I integrated sampling, incorporating recorded sounds and manipulating them to add organic and familiar elements to the composition. Throughout the creative process, the evolving use of automation and effects played a vital role. I utilized automation to add movement, expressiveness, and nuance to the piece, while effects such as reverbs, delays, modulation, and creative effects added depth, character, and experimentation. By skillfully combining these techniques, I aimed to craft a 16-bar piece that showcased the diverse range of synthesis possibilities, while employing automation and effects to create an immersive auditory journey that pushed creative boundaries.

Composing for Film and TV

Point Blank Music School, 2023

Key responsibilities involved interpreting abstract creative language and translating it into coherent musical idioms. Through careful analysis of the brief, I delved into its abstract concepts and visual references, extracting the underlying emotions and atmospheres to guide my composition. Leveraging my expertise in music composition techniques and practices for media, I crafted melodies, harmonies, and rhythms that perfectly complemented the narrative and enhanced the storytelling. Working with the powerful tools of the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Ableton Live, I brought my musical vision to life, utilizing the rich and expressive sounds of the orchestra and the versatility and flexibility of Ableton Live’s production environment. With precision and creativity, I applied composition techniques such as leitmotifs, thematic development, and underscoring to heighten the emotional impact and support key moments in the film. By synchronizing the music seamlessly with the on-screen action, I created a symbiotic relationship between the visuals and the score, delivering a compelling and immersive musical experience that enhanced the storytelling and captivated the audience.

Sound Design

Point Blank Music School, 2023

My key tasks encompassed sourcing and curating a diverse collection of found sounds, capturing snippets of everyday life, natural environments, and unique textures. By incorporating these found sounds, I added an organic and authentic element to my compositions, infusing them with a sense of real-world context. Additionally, I incorporated samples from my previously released music, repurposing and recontextualizing them to create new sonic landscapes and demonstrate the breadth of my artistic versatility. Through meticulous audio recording, I captured pristine recordings of instruments, vocals, and atmospheric elements, ensuring clarity and fidelity. With precise editing techniques, I arranged and sculpted these audio elements, seamlessly merging them into cohesive compositions. The strategic application of effects enhanced the sonic palette, from time-based effects such as reverbs, delays, and echoes, to modulation effects like choruses and phasers, adding depth and character to the sounds. Throughout the process, my focus was on creating a portfolio that showcased my ability to harness the power of sampling, audio recording, editing, and effects to create captivating and immersive sonic experiences.